Life is good. Even with all this craziness and confusion. Life is still good.
I've been a little better at getting to sleep earlier. Better is not totally good yet considering it's 2am right now and I'm a good long walk of the hill from bed. I do wish I could just crawl into another closer bed or two, but I don't need that right now. In a week there will be all kinds of new faces and I'll have the same issues, yet luckily I have someone I feel I can talk to now. It really makes a difference.
Tomorrow is an eventful day. I'm teaching my first acupressure class ever! Going to a ridiculously rocking fitness class which consists of three hours of sweating our asses off. I can already tell the difference. Like that song she plays every class "this is why I'm hot this is why this is why I'm hot" and it's true. I like the definition I'm getting and all the isolation exercises are improving my dance.
Life is good.
I've been a little better at getting to sleep earlier. Better is not totally good yet considering it's 2am right now and I'm a good long walk of the hill from bed. I do wish I could just crawl into another closer bed or two, but I don't need that right now. In a week there will be all kinds of new faces and I'll have the same issues, yet luckily I have someone I feel I can talk to now. It really makes a difference.
Tomorrow is an eventful day. I'm teaching my first acupressure class ever! Going to a ridiculously rocking fitness class which consists of three hours of sweating our asses off. I can already tell the difference. Like that song she plays every class "this is why I'm hot this is why this is why I'm hot" and it's true. I like the definition I'm getting and all the isolation exercises are improving my dance.
Life is good.