FUUUUCK!! Not having sex with a beautifully hot woman in my bed is really really hard!!! Yet, it feels like its right to respect each of our selves to keep on our separate paths.
Now I love lovin, making love, fucking like a wild beast and all the lovely sex styles in between, and I'm a fantastic lover, it's just that some times I need to wait. To reserve my potent sexual energy for a mind blowingly awesome connection. Especially living in a contained community like The Omega Institute. Hot girls everywhere and I need a woman as fucking awesome, confident and bad ass as I am. Either that or more fucking kick ass than me, so that I need to step up my game.
I want inspirational love filled wild crazy connection booty. Even if it's not going to be long term it can still be fucking intense and passionate. There are a lot of SGs that definitely fit the "so baddass I need to step up my game" status. Like Lass Praesepe Rowdi Amarynth Rlei Ogkg Rambo and soooooo many more. That is without really knowing all these lovely women very well, yet they kindle inspiration in more than Just my loins.
When will I meet the firecracker whom can light my fire and rock my socks off??
Until then I continue on my path of self mastery. I start my first classes in about two weeks and I need to get my lesson plans in order. First I teach acupressure, and soon guided meditation, men's circles, throat singing, vision workshops and maybe more. Plus I'm taking a kick my ass into even better faster stronger shape fitness with grace class.
I fucking love life!!!!
Now I love lovin, making love, fucking like a wild beast and all the lovely sex styles in between, and I'm a fantastic lover, it's just that some times I need to wait. To reserve my potent sexual energy for a mind blowingly awesome connection. Especially living in a contained community like The Omega Institute. Hot girls everywhere and I need a woman as fucking awesome, confident and bad ass as I am. Either that or more fucking kick ass than me, so that I need to step up my game.
I want inspirational love filled wild crazy connection booty. Even if it's not going to be long term it can still be fucking intense and passionate. There are a lot of SGs that definitely fit the "so baddass I need to step up my game" status. Like Lass Praesepe Rowdi Amarynth Rlei Ogkg Rambo and soooooo many more. That is without really knowing all these lovely women very well, yet they kindle inspiration in more than Just my loins.
When will I meet the firecracker whom can light my fire and rock my socks off??
Until then I continue on my path of self mastery. I start my first classes in about two weeks and I need to get my lesson plans in order. First I teach acupressure, and soon guided meditation, men's circles, throat singing, vision workshops and maybe more. Plus I'm taking a kick my ass into even better faster stronger shape fitness with grace class.
I fucking love life!!!!

Good luck with the path. 

I feel so honored that I'm the only non-SG listed. (: Hope you can find someone who gets your blood and your mind pumping. God knows it isn't easy, but a good lookin', sweet talkin' guy like you should have no trouble whatsoever. (: