Yesterday I spent the day doing my best get deep into a moist hole. The deeper I got the more wet it became. Eventually I got my rhythm down, as I buried myself deep in the flesh of the earth.
Yup I dug a deep hole/trench for a grey water filtration system for my friends outdoor shower and kitchen. It was fun and difficult as...
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Fuck just had to drop $935 on my truck after the distributor AND the fuel pump died simultaneously! Right when I was retrieving my Subaru from my old property I lived on, so what ever that car needs is going to have to wait a bit.
Oh well. If I still get paid out proper from my last job it's going to be done eventually....
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Not too much to write just now, but momentarily the swell of words beneath my fingers will swell like a tsunami of orgasmic divine bliss. Sometimes writing is like a very subtle orgasm. Not the writing so much as the final read. I have been inspired and now just need to put that inspiration into action.
As the sea is but innumerable drops beneath a
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Honesty. Honesty sure can create a mess sometimes, but only when there's fear involved. Fear is the same source energy as love, only it's being run through definitions that fail to serve us. I used to be afraid of zombies and sharks. Then I learned how to be a bad ass zombie killer and that sharks are my friends, friend that I'll punch in the...
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I meant to write more regularly and I'll commit now to doing it. This seems like one of the only places I feel like it's safe to write about my personal. If I don't keep up with it it's not going to make much sense because it seems to be jumping around a bit.
I moved! I'm back living in Chico again...
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Thank you so much for the support on my set
My knee is almost 100% again. Sunday I dance again after months of being laid up. DANCE TIME!
I hope you go Pink soon!
I'm feeling too tired to do it now, but wanted to put something.
Like always once I have a girlfriend there are ladies coming at me from every angle. Actually there have been a good handful of lovely exchanges of affection from ladies in my recent single year as well....
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Why not call it "Party just because" day? I'd say that's more fitting.
I'm always grateful for friends and partying. Who knows what the night shall bring!
I wish I could be a a huge SG...
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As for the love I am still in a quasi place, yet I'm being easier on myself. For a...
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monogamy is an interesting choice, i find myself having battles with myself all the time over it. but as long as all parties are happy, keep havin fun mah friend :]