little known facts about moi-
I often feel like a little girl
I go commando
I can make a meal out of most household condiments
My biggest fear is people will think Im a freak and run away
When I was little I took Flamingo Dancing classes
I have terrible vision, I am blind as a bat without my lenses
I am Cuban American. Both my parents were born in Cuba.
Spanish was my first language and I still have a bit of an accent ( when I get pissed )
Im not that into sex

I often have a hard time separating fantasy from reality
I have a deep love for all humans especially the crack pots
I wish I had so much more to offer the world but unfortunately Im a broke ass artist who isn't fond of the 9 to 5 Mc Job
I have practiced ballet all of my life on and off
I have terrible social anxiety and don't ever leave the house without my xanax
Yes, Silence of the Goats... I should clarify - the 'assassination' was an attempt at putting them out of grief; an attempt that resulted in... grief
How do you get these shots? They're soft and surreal and striking and...
I took dancing lessons several times as a kid and teenager.
I was even urged to compete in ballroom and swing.
I hate dancing and avoid it all costs. Seriously, not fun for me.
I'm afraid of sturgeon - the fish.
I am an expert marksman.
Given only the finest ingredients and everything a chef could dream of, I still can't eat my own food sometimes.
When I travel, I insist on traveling light - to the point that some will not travel with me.
I am extremely competitive and can't stand losing anything. Ever.
I often lose.
I'm not supposed to be on SG right now - I should be reading Arabic.
I don't get homesick, even if away for months at a time but I'm a real homebody.
Women are often intimidated by my close relationships with the guys in my unit. My last girlfriend referred to my battle-buddy as my 'man wife.'
I've watched Scent of a Woman four times in the last week and a half - it reminds me of fall, holidays, dress blues and Manhattan when fall, holidays, dress blues and Manhattan felt different.
My ultimate fantasy for years now has been a shipwreck or plancrash survival scenario.