it has been a long time, for sure.
I guess i have alot of explaining to do.... so here goes it.
as someone at work pointed out to me today, i have come along way in just one year. this person also told me how proud she was of me and she knew i could do it. and the fucked up thing is shes absolutly freakin RIGHT.
when i started over a year ago, i had no fucking clue what would happen. this is the first time i've ever been away from my family and friends in michigan. i was out of the "zone".
i guess this has inadvertently forced me to become something instead of withering into nothingness.
i have a beautiful apartment with a beautiful happy roomie, whos family has been kind enough to adopt me! i have a much better and fun as hell job, that i don't dread going to day in and day out. i've eluded the repo man, and caught up on the payments! i got my pharm tech cirtification on the first try without taking the class. and now, i (hopefully) will be getting a new postition at work as the pharmacy technology specialist... don't ask me what that means, but it sounds super cool.
oh and did i mention that i am enrolled FULL time in school! i met with my counselor the other day and after she reviewed my compass test scores she recommended that i test out of several of my classes, and with the credits that already transfered, i should beable to have this done in 2 years or less.
oh yeah, i forgot to mention that i've been working out again like crazy and by popular vote, i'm growing my hair out again.
so yeah, its been a long and busy year.
it has been a long time, for sure.
I guess i have alot of explaining to do.... so here goes it.
as someone at work pointed out to me today, i have come along way in just one year. this person also told me how proud she was of me and she knew i could do it. and the fucked up thing is shes absolutly freakin RIGHT.
when i started over a year ago, i had no fucking clue what would happen. this is the first time i've ever been away from my family and friends in michigan. i was out of the "zone".
i guess this has inadvertently forced me to become something instead of withering into nothingness.
i have a beautiful apartment with a beautiful happy roomie, whos family has been kind enough to adopt me! i have a much better and fun as hell job, that i don't dread going to day in and day out. i've eluded the repo man, and caught up on the payments! i got my pharm tech cirtification on the first try without taking the class. and now, i (hopefully) will be getting a new postition at work as the pharmacy technology specialist... don't ask me what that means, but it sounds super cool.
oh and did i mention that i am enrolled FULL time in school! i met with my counselor the other day and after she reviewed my compass test scores she recommended that i test out of several of my classes, and with the credits that already transfered, i should beable to have this done in 2 years or less.
oh yeah, i forgot to mention that i've been working out again like crazy and by popular vote, i'm growing my hair out again.
so yeah, its been a long and busy year.
That's worthy of SO MUCH praise. You have come a long way, and maybe I don't know you well enough to be proud, per se, but I'm very impressed. Keep up the good work. Pharm tech specialist indeed does sound cool as hell.

that's awesome! pharm tech ... kinda sounds like a label tech. pharmaceuticals are where it's at- at least that's what people keep telling me.