I over analyze everything, I worry about everything and I can't balance a checkbook.
I drink coffee like people smoke cigarettes and i floss daily.
I'm getting wrinkles around my eyes, but i never smile.
I have my dads nose and my moms attitude.
I'm addicted to World of Warcraft to the point where i don't eat, even though it hurts.
I'm have an old soul, and a tourtured one at that.
I'm evil, but I hide it well.
I am the kind of person that EVERYONE loves, but NOBODY cares about.
I'm a little strange, very confused and a bit crazy.
I am extreamly stable for the harsh times I've seen.
I left 6 years of pain behind me and would go back in an instant.
I've battled anorexia off and on for 7 years, and i've damaged my body from it.
I had a drug habit that most people never knew about.
I'm the strongest person I know, even though I cry every day.
I'm only "happy" when someone loves me, and I usually abuse that privlage and that person.
I will use people if they are weak enough to let me.
I only date guys who I think will make genetically perfect children, no lie.
I'm extreamly shallow, and I love myself more than I love any other human.
I love my dog more than I love myself.
I've been engaged twice.
I've been told I am the perfect girlfriend by several guys, that i'd be the perfect wife by a guy i wasn't dating, yet i'm single.
I graduated early with honors, but never went to college.
I live in my own world, because its better than yours.
I have perfect feet, and the most stunning eyes you'll ever see.
I have crooked eyebrows and crooked teeth.
I have awesome hair.
I grew up on a golf course and can drive a golf ball farther than most people, but i can't putt to save my life.
I'm clumsy and don't trust myself.
I never trust ANYONE, especially the people I date.
I learned early never give 100% because people will expect more from you, and you will only disappoint them, and yourself.
I took 2 years of Jazz, practiced yoga and played softball, but I have no coordination.
I can't dance, and even though I'm little i'm very akward.
I have HUGE hands i can pick up three pool balls with one hand.
I can pick up things with my toes.
I love to sleep, but I only have nightmares.
It's rained here for five straight days. Really starting to destroy my inner calm, or whatever.

the honesty is beautiful.