la la la... that means i love you.
someone coded in the ER today. its always creepy when theres a code at work, because someones dying. heres what happens at a code 4 ...
first the nurse calls the hospital operator and says there is a code 4 in room ___. then the operator comes on the overhead and says about 3 times. CODE 4 ER ROOM 4 STAT.
Then the pharms have to decide who's going, and then they have to grab a code box and the meds from the fridge then they have to get to where the code is. a code 4 is cardiao pulmonary failure, which means you're dead. so all the medical staff has to respond to this code within minutes, or you get brain damage or you just stay dead, unless someone is giving you really good cpr. its total chaos.
whole thing takes probably 3-minutes in response time.
amazing isn't it.
i quit my second job yesterday. being someones bitch is really annoying and i don't have the patients for it.
basically i walked out and told the repair guy to tell them i quit, but then i called him later and told him myself.
this was after he wanted me to drive 10 miles out of the way for a mocha that he won't even drink, make that 2 mochas.
the lady at work also told me she isn't moving in with me.
so i'm poor again.
i have shitty luck. i hate life. gonna go cry now.
someone coded in the ER today. its always creepy when theres a code at work, because someones dying. heres what happens at a code 4 ...
first the nurse calls the hospital operator and says there is a code 4 in room ___. then the operator comes on the overhead and says about 3 times. CODE 4 ER ROOM 4 STAT.
Then the pharms have to decide who's going, and then they have to grab a code box and the meds from the fridge then they have to get to where the code is. a code 4 is cardiao pulmonary failure, which means you're dead. so all the medical staff has to respond to this code within minutes, or you get brain damage or you just stay dead, unless someone is giving you really good cpr. its total chaos.
whole thing takes probably 3-minutes in response time.
amazing isn't it.
i quit my second job yesterday. being someones bitch is really annoying and i don't have the patients for it.
basically i walked out and told the repair guy to tell them i quit, but then i called him later and told him myself.
this was after he wanted me to drive 10 miles out of the way for a mocha that he won't even drink, make that 2 mochas.
the lady at work also told me she isn't moving in with me.
so i'm poor again.
i have shitty luck. i hate life. gonna go cry now.