i got home last nite from the bar and realized that my front window was broken!
someone hit (threw) a golf ball into it and it broke, so now i'm cold and i'm too broke to fix it
i need a sugar daddy (momma) volunteers email me
i'm still really sad that i don't get to hear from my bf like i used to, i miss him dearly. (i love you Christopher Anderson)
i got a transfer to a HD in Gurnee IL. they want me by the end of Dec.
I found a killer loft in Racine WI they base your rent off your income! CHEAP, well for me since i work for peanuts
i got a new hair cut and its fucking RAD!
oh, don't be jealous
i got home last nite from the bar and realized that my front window was broken!
someone hit (threw) a golf ball into it and it broke, so now i'm cold and i'm too broke to fix it

i need a sugar daddy (momma) volunteers email me

i'm still really sad that i don't get to hear from my bf like i used to, i miss him dearly. (i love you Christopher Anderson)
i got a transfer to a HD in Gurnee IL. they want me by the end of Dec.
I found a killer loft in Racine WI they base your rent off your income! CHEAP, well for me since i work for peanuts
i got a new hair cut and its fucking RAD!
oh, don't be jealous