this is the first night since sunday that i'll be alone. i miss him already
he's in green bay playing a show. i have the feeling that i'm never going to get used to him going out of town to play gigs.
last night me and him got WAY too drunk at a bar. when we woke up this morning we had no idea where my car was parked. luckily we found it pretty quickly. but after a quick glance i noticed that the back door on the passenger side had a huge dent in it and yellow paint scratched in. so last night when we left the parking garage somehow the car hit a pole. neither of us remember it at all, and we can't even remember who drove. although he swears it was him. i feel horrible because now he wants to pay to get it fixed, and we don't even know if he is the one who did it or not. and i got a parking ticket and he grabbed the ticket before i even got to put it in my purse and he said he'd pay for it. i feel so fucking bad..... i don't want him to feel obligated to pay for all that. it's not his fault. well, at least i don't think it is. but like i said, we were both very very drunk.
it's yet another slap in the face for me. i know i shouldn't drink like this. he is trying to cut back on his drinking so i guess we are gonna do it together.
he said his new addiction is me.

last night me and him got WAY too drunk at a bar. when we woke up this morning we had no idea where my car was parked. luckily we found it pretty quickly. but after a quick glance i noticed that the back door on the passenger side had a huge dent in it and yellow paint scratched in. so last night when we left the parking garage somehow the car hit a pole. neither of us remember it at all, and we can't even remember who drove. although he swears it was him. i feel horrible because now he wants to pay to get it fixed, and we don't even know if he is the one who did it or not. and i got a parking ticket and he grabbed the ticket before i even got to put it in my purse and he said he'd pay for it. i feel so fucking bad..... i don't want him to feel obligated to pay for all that. it's not his fault. well, at least i don't think it is. but like i said, we were both very very drunk.
it's yet another slap in the face for me. i know i shouldn't drink like this. he is trying to cut back on his drinking so i guess we are gonna do it together.
he said his new addiction is me.

No Soup For You
And awe you can come watch Elmo movies with me tonight.