so a sort-of acquantence, sort-of friend and I excchanged numbers at the bar two nights ago after a really awesome convo and stuff. me and him have only talked when we see each other at the bar, and so i'm not sure if it would be weird to text him or anything. i kind of hit on him and didn't hide it too well.... so i have no idea if i should get a hold of him or just wait.
oh... did i mention that he lives in the same house as the guy i have been seeing off and on? that's my biggest issue right now. i don't wanna end up liking his friend....
but the guy is such a total gentleman. it's not often that a guy holds the door open for me or gives me his coat if it's too cold. and he even bought me a drink
and gave up his seat for me. i mean.. WOW.... i never get treated like that. it was so nice. it's not something i demand of a guy, if he doesn't hold open a door for me, i don't really care. do whatever the hell ya want. but it's really nice to know that there are still guys out there who know what being a gentleman means
oh, and one more thing... less than 5 days til my trip! woohoo! i'm being so mysterious about it too... i think like, 3 people know where i'm going or what i'm doing. hopeflly i don't die on the way. that would kind of suck... no one knows where i'll be! hehe
oh... did i mention that he lives in the same house as the guy i have been seeing off and on? that's my biggest issue right now. i don't wanna end up liking his friend....

oh, and one more thing... less than 5 days til my trip! woohoo! i'm being so mysterious about it too... i think like, 3 people know where i'm going or what i'm doing. hopeflly i don't die on the way. that would kind of suck... no one knows where i'll be! hehe
lol wait you like Children of Bodom nuh uh lol 

and here i thought doing all that for a lady was a given....