PLEASE watch this! Take ten minutes out of your "busy" lives, ten minutes you most likely would spend doing something non-productive and pointless, and watch this. It is about the North American Union. Haven't heard of it? Well stop getting your news from the goddamned television and you just might learn something.
Seriously, this is an extremely well worded, simple, yet descriptive explanation of how this fucking world is crumbling beneath us. And I'm not talking about global warming or anything environmental. All I can say is Fuck It All. I thought moving out of the country after college might make things better, but it seems like the entire earth is fucked...
Please watch this. And let me know what you think.
Is it bullshit? It is something we really need to concern ourselves with? Is that a pen cap in your pocket or are you just impotent?
Seriously, this is an extremely well worded, simple, yet descriptive explanation of how this fucking world is crumbling beneath us. And I'm not talking about global warming or anything environmental. All I can say is Fuck It All. I thought moving out of the country after college might make things better, but it seems like the entire earth is fucked...
Please watch this. And let me know what you think.

WHAT THE FUCK!........... ok, were all fucked! The sad thing is it makes sense.
Oh I'm glad that you were thinking of me. I miss you terribly.
So The concert looks like it was awesome! (from the pics). Nothing to new. other than Monday was me and ryan's 6 months of being together! Zomg. Neither one of us could belief it.