not much to say about my trip home. saw my parents, helped my dad with a song he is working on, had treatment (it went well) and enjoyed a few days of rest, which i needed more than i thought.
instead of blabbing on and on for paragraphs, here are some pictures i took while sitting around the house i grew up in. this house, the acre of land, the enormous red deck, and of course the fort my dad built me and my sister, all mean so much to me. i will miss it so much...
instead of blabbing on and on for paragraphs, here are some pictures i took while sitting around the house i grew up in. this house, the acre of land, the enormous red deck, and of course the fort my dad built me and my sister, all mean so much to me. i will miss it so much...
I hope you get better..and that is a lovely home
i love that profile pic with the glasses - your eyes are beautiful