and i fuckin love it! can't wait to hear the album when it comes out on the 30th!
if i was a guy, maynard would definitely give me a hard on.
"it won't go down. my boner, my boner, my boner it won't go down. my cuntry boner, it won't go down!"
so for those who are unfamiliar with Puscifer, GET FUCKING FAMILIAR!

in other news, for those of you who have left me comments or messages that I haven't responded to, don't take it personally. I've been pretty busy with school and work and ... life.
oh, and in case anyone has no life and is wondering what i'm reading at the moment..... it's "Mind in a Physical World" and it is a really interesting read for anyone interested in the mind-body problem, mental causation, and reductionism. It's a VERY heavy read, and I'm not even through the first two chapters. But it is definitely worth picking up and highlighting to shit. it is a university press book, so it is a little more pricey than your average paperback, and it is less than 150 pages (it's a collection of essays) but for anyone looking for some good informative reading, check it out. and for those of you who would rather turn on the TV than read.... um, fine. you suck