We interupt this program, for a very sepcial new update.......
Everyone please go rent Kill Bill Vol. 1 on Tuesday April 13th. Then drag your ass to the movie theater on Friday April 16th (Also my 21st B-Day
) And go see the second installmen Kill Bill Vol. 2.
It'll be the best move of your life.
We now return to our regularly schedueled bullshit programing, "The O.C.".......
Everyone please go rent Kill Bill Vol. 1 on Tuesday April 13th. Then drag your ass to the movie theater on Friday April 16th (Also my 21st B-Day

It'll be the best move of your life.

We now return to our regularly schedueled bullshit programing, "The O.C.".......

i've been counting the days since i saw volume 1.

i still havent seen the first and ive heard it was awesome. i need to get out more :*(