So I have had my two little darlings for a little while now. They have decided that their own shit tastes delicious. These dogs are lickers. Chihuahuas to be exact. I have been putting a chemical additive in their food that is supposed to deter them from eating it. I must say that nothing in nature would want to come near these terds. They are...
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wow that fucking turd is gross
Aww cute puppies 

Everyone go comment on Scoli's set Flora. It is amazing and so is she. Some how this set hasn't gone live yet. I really don't understand it, but it's about time it does!
thats was poetic enough... he,he ... bisous, bisous
So I'm in Syracuse, NY right now. This is my sad face. Nevermind. My phone won't let me add a picture. Tomorrow I drive to Albany and stay in another shitty middle of nowhere hotel. Then on Wednesday I drive to new jersey. Maybe I'll see Hayden! Everybody go look at Oddy's set. It is AWESOME! Please somebody write me so I feel better! Bye...
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Thanks for the comment on my set,love!

fucking sweet house.
It's time to go blow off some steam. I had a SHITTY and stressful day. I'm going to do this in the form of sending 210 5.56 NATO rounds through some pieces of paper. Not the funnest of shooting situations, but better than nothing. If you like paper rectangles, say goodbye now before it's too late.
So yesterday was my birthday. I hate birthday's, but it was fun. I went house hunting and put an offer on a gorgeous house. Then I went to my favorite bar, Tavern at Medlock, and watched the UFC fight.. I think I broke even on my bets. The owner, BA, was nice enough to reserve us some tables and chairs. He's great to us. His...
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Hey this is Banbury from SGAtliens. We are trying to drum up some new people in the please come out to our next open event and meet some kick-ass people!!!
Fox & Hounds (1193 Collier Road), Sunday 5/25 8PM
Fox & Hounds (1193 Collier Road), Sunday 5/25 8PM
thanks for the sweet comments!!! i hope you enjoyed

Going up to North Carolina in two weeks. Is anyone from the Raleigh area? I need to do some partying and don't know of any places to go.
thank you sweetheart!
and congrats for your moneyyy.. youre gonna have some fun huh?
and congrats for your moneyyy.. youre gonna have some fun huh?