back to school tomorrow. lil' vacation was fun, got to pet piglets and baby chicks and lambs and other misc. cute fuzzy things. also got to buy lots of cute san-x and sanrio stuff. tattoo is better but have to go back on october 8th to get it finished. my friend JM is getting some work done that day too. he is getting some crazy armadillo/tank cartoony thing he saw on an Emerson, Lake, and Palmer record!?! which is hillarious and ridiculous and just makes me even more glad he is my friend.
p.s. i am so sick of my job
p.s. i am so sick of my job

Maybe I should do Devo SG Boys set... hmmmm...
Anyhoo, I haven't decided what I'm gunna be for halloween. I'm thinking I might order a Devo New Traditionalists Pomp, and dress as a cheesey vampire while wearing it.
I usually have 2 or 3 costumes a year, since I go to 2 or 3 different parties. Not in the same night mind you, but we shall see.
How the hell is the bass playing?!?!?!