Today I was supposed to get on a train at 13:45, destination: adventure/new begining. However this is currently my point of view (as shown i picture).
Yesterday when we had cleared out all the furniture and boxes from the apartment my back couldn´t handle the stress, and since then I have a great deal of pain and been bedridden. So now I´m laying on an airbed on the floor in an empty apartment and have decided to rest like this for a couple of days, hoping my back will get better and I can take that train another day.
It´s not all bad though, laying all day in bed wearing my pyjamapants is relaxing and besides watching netflix and reading/audiobook I´m listening to some Miles/Coltrane. I also have the company of my handycorder, I needed to cheer me up a bit today and as I am a bit of a nerd I therefor started a morning entry: "Kaptenens loggbok, stjärndatum 21/8 2016, tid 08:46", or as you probably know it in english: "captains log, stardate....". Although, the rest of the entry was more serious.
What are your thoughts regarding men and pyjamapants?