ahh, life is good. I went to the zoo tuesday. It was a blast, except for all the annoying bastard school children. I like kids, but they were dumb and annoying.
I wish I could have snapped a picture of the Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel eating a piece of popcorn. It was so perfect! We saw the Imax movie about Africa. I don't think 3D glasses work well with my regular glasses. Everything was weird and it gave me a headache.
My brother, Steve, who, under ignorant and irrational pretenses, has now found Islam and renamed himself Hussein(that's a whole can of worms right there) made another comment on monday. He said that he thought that AIDS got to humans because someone in Africa had sex with a monkey. Apparently some reliable source in 4th grade told him this. He's now 19 and in college, how the fuck could he still think that was true?? Sure, I heard that same story once by the time I was in high school, I knew that it wasn't true.
</end rant>
blah, me tired
I wish I could have snapped a picture of the Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel eating a piece of popcorn. It was so perfect! We saw the Imax movie about Africa. I don't think 3D glasses work well with my regular glasses. Everything was weird and it gave me a headache.
My brother, Steve, who, under ignorant and irrational pretenses, has now found Islam and renamed himself Hussein(that's a whole can of worms right there) made another comment on monday. He said that he thought that AIDS got to humans because someone in Africa had sex with a monkey. Apparently some reliable source in 4th grade told him this. He's now 19 and in college, how the fuck could he still think that was true?? Sure, I heard that same story once by the time I was in high school, I knew that it wasn't true.
</end rant>
blah, me tired
Wait.... People having sex with monkeys don't cause AIDS?