Finally the retards over at AT&T got our shit back up and running.
I don't even remember everything that has happened over the last couple of weeks, but I will try.
I went to a bellydance festival in Sebastapol, it twas awesome. I was all decked out in my gear with my buddah belly all out in the open. There was this dancer who had wings peirced into her back, like a 6 foot metal wingspan. She had to be super careful dancing but it was way cool looking.
I am talking to my sister again. Kind of.
We got together for coffee at Aroma's a few weeks ago and while we were there some guy keeled over at a table. We went over to him and she held his hand while one of the girls there tried to give him CPR. He was gone though. I could feel this heaviness and almost humidity in the air as they were trying to bring him his soul just lingering around above us. WEIRD.
Definetly a presence there.
A week later they had the newspaper clipping of his memorial up on the bullitin board, with a picture of him standing in front of a tree. The pic looked recent, but nothing like he did when I saw him. People look weird when they are dead. Yellow, Gray...loose..*shiver*
Next subject...
I am starting to slow down. I'm a full 29 almost 30 weeks now. Just getting way huge and a bit miserable at times, especially at night. And the heat...Oh man. It's not even hot out yet but I'm feeling it.
All I want to do is swim, sleep, eat fruit and popsicles and tomatoes and clean. Poor Jason.
I'm nesting like a fiend and making him do crazy shit that I can't/won't do myself.
Like cleaning around the base of the toilet with an old toothbrush for example. I can't do it without gagging, yet it NEEDS to be done. This is non-negotiable.
I was gonna post a buddah belly pic but I can't figure out this new layout. Fucking confusing.
So now I'm gonna make myself a salad and grub down on some nectarines instead.
I don't even remember everything that has happened over the last couple of weeks, but I will try.
I went to a bellydance festival in Sebastapol, it twas awesome. I was all decked out in my gear with my buddah belly all out in the open. There was this dancer who had wings peirced into her back, like a 6 foot metal wingspan. She had to be super careful dancing but it was way cool looking.
I am talking to my sister again. Kind of.
We got together for coffee at Aroma's a few weeks ago and while we were there some guy keeled over at a table. We went over to him and she held his hand while one of the girls there tried to give him CPR. He was gone though. I could feel this heaviness and almost humidity in the air as they were trying to bring him his soul just lingering around above us. WEIRD.
Definetly a presence there.
A week later they had the newspaper clipping of his memorial up on the bullitin board, with a picture of him standing in front of a tree. The pic looked recent, but nothing like he did when I saw him. People look weird when they are dead. Yellow, Gray...loose..*shiver*
Next subject...
I am starting to slow down. I'm a full 29 almost 30 weeks now. Just getting way huge and a bit miserable at times, especially at night. And the heat...Oh man. It's not even hot out yet but I'm feeling it.
All I want to do is swim, sleep, eat fruit and popsicles and tomatoes and clean. Poor Jason.
I'm nesting like a fiend and making him do crazy shit that I can't/won't do myself.
Like cleaning around the base of the toilet with an old toothbrush for example. I can't do it without gagging, yet it NEEDS to be done. This is non-negotiable.
I was gonna post a buddah belly pic but I can't figure out this new layout. Fucking confusing.
So now I'm gonna make myself a salad and grub down on some nectarines instead.

Oh my god. You are so close now... also, I never felt calvin move above my belly button once. I always felt him really low. Enjoy your independence.
You're going to be a great mom.

It's nice... He still won't deal with diapers though. He likes to play with him mostly and he's good at putting him to sleep. He feeds him sometimes. I am amazed at his paternal instinct.