^^ This is why I have not been too keen on updating lately.
I guess I didn't have anything nice to say for a while there.
Not that I usually have nice things to say in my journal here or anything, lol.... We still have not spoken, she has called me a few times, telling me to get over it, but in my heart I feel I don't want to see her and she does not make me feel safe. I feel betrayed.
Other than that personal drama things have been allright.
We are still looking for another place, I hope we find one soon, I don't know how much longer I can handle my landlords.
I would love to do terrible things to that woman,
I have been going to school, going to my Smoke free babies class, (NO I don't smoke, but I used to, and the class is to help train you to stay off ciggs after the baby gets here)
And other than that, just basically just sitting here gaining weight.
Lets see, 18 1/2 weeks along, and I have gained 15 lbs so far.
Not too bad, I guess, but I should watch it a bit. It sure is going on easy, for the first time ever.... Let me just say it's a little weird to watch yourself go from a size 3 to a 9 for the first time ever.
IM NOT SAYING IM FAT so don't get all crazy on my ass..
Just saying.... I don't want it to get out of control and put on like 80 lbs or anything.
I went to a fancy schmancy gym/spa today.
I could not even begin to explain the fancyness...
There was a 60" plasma screen in the shower room for starters..
Fucking rich people.....
Anyway, I went swimming in the rain, and it felt sooo nice.
Swimming when you are pregnant is like heaven.
Yes, I am so glad I get to be pregnant over the summer, so I can swim tons and get all fit for the finale and whatnot. I love swimming anyways but now it's so much better. Also I know it's pretty much the only excersize I will do.
So after I got out of the pool, we went back inside to soak in the warm tub,
(Like a hot tub but only 99/100 degrees so I could go in, YAY!)
and since it was in the womens locker area, we could skinnydip. HELL YEAH.
I was cool until this old lady got in with us, then it was a little weird but hey.
She was really nice, and had pretty nice boobs for an old broad, so I
told her I thought she had a sweet rack.
It was hella fucking funny man....
She was all flattered and blushy.....
I'm changing the subject.
My baby kicked so hard the other day that I could feel and see it from the outside for the first time.
But like right after it happened I look up and see this on TV..

Fuck all that creepy shit.
But I still ♥ my little one.
I have been trying to upload the latest fetus pic but
my phone wont cooperate.
Hopefully soon we can figure it out, it worked just last week..
I had to get an emergency sono (because of afore mentioned drama)
everything was A-ok with baby, and he/she is getting so big..
Right when the guy put the wand on my belly, the baby was floating on it's back spread eagle.
He moved the thing like a centimeter across my belly and the baby immediately snapped it's legs shut!
I thought I saw a little weiner but I can't say for sure...Shy baby!
We might just wait to find out, allthough I don't know if I am that patient.
We will see!
I'm gonna go drink some juice to try and get this baby to stop kickboxing my left kidney.
If you have been preggers before and had this happen, please tell me how to make sweet pea cease with the kidney trampoline.
I would really appreciate that.
^^ This is why I have not been too keen on updating lately.
I guess I didn't have anything nice to say for a while there.
Not that I usually have nice things to say in my journal here or anything, lol.... We still have not spoken, she has called me a few times, telling me to get over it, but in my heart I feel I don't want to see her and she does not make me feel safe. I feel betrayed.

Other than that personal drama things have been allright.
We are still looking for another place, I hope we find one soon, I don't know how much longer I can handle my landlords.
I would love to do terrible things to that woman,
I have been going to school, going to my Smoke free babies class, (NO I don't smoke, but I used to, and the class is to help train you to stay off ciggs after the baby gets here)
And other than that, just basically just sitting here gaining weight.
Lets see, 18 1/2 weeks along, and I have gained 15 lbs so far.
Not too bad, I guess, but I should watch it a bit. It sure is going on easy, for the first time ever.... Let me just say it's a little weird to watch yourself go from a size 3 to a 9 for the first time ever.
IM NOT SAYING IM FAT so don't get all crazy on my ass..
Just saying.... I don't want it to get out of control and put on like 80 lbs or anything.
I went to a fancy schmancy gym/spa today.
I could not even begin to explain the fancyness...
There was a 60" plasma screen in the shower room for starters..

Anyway, I went swimming in the rain, and it felt sooo nice.
Swimming when you are pregnant is like heaven.
Yes, I am so glad I get to be pregnant over the summer, so I can swim tons and get all fit for the finale and whatnot. I love swimming anyways but now it's so much better. Also I know it's pretty much the only excersize I will do.
So after I got out of the pool, we went back inside to soak in the warm tub,
(Like a hot tub but only 99/100 degrees so I could go in, YAY!)
and since it was in the womens locker area, we could skinnydip. HELL YEAH.
I was cool until this old lady got in with us, then it was a little weird but hey.
She was really nice, and had pretty nice boobs for an old broad, so I
told her I thought she had a sweet rack.
It was hella fucking funny man....
She was all flattered and blushy.....
I'm changing the subject.
My baby kicked so hard the other day that I could feel and see it from the outside for the first time.

But like right after it happened I look up and see this on TV..

Fuck all that creepy shit.
But I still ♥ my little one.
I have been trying to upload the latest fetus pic but
my phone wont cooperate.

Hopefully soon we can figure it out, it worked just last week..

I had to get an emergency sono (because of afore mentioned drama)
everything was A-ok with baby, and he/she is getting so big..
Right when the guy put the wand on my belly, the baby was floating on it's back spread eagle.
He moved the thing like a centimeter across my belly and the baby immediately snapped it's legs shut!
I thought I saw a little weiner but I can't say for sure...Shy baby!
We might just wait to find out, allthough I don't know if I am that patient.
We will see!
I'm gonna go drink some juice to try and get this baby to stop kickboxing my left kidney.
If you have been preggers before and had this happen, please tell me how to make sweet pea cease with the kidney trampoline.
I would really appreciate that.

also, now i feel all bad about being all tricksy on april fools....i sorry!
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!