Well, that last entry showed some of my not-so-sweet-side..I hope I didn't scare any of you off! And if I did, you suck for abandoning me. You know you are a complete asshole sometimes too.
And now on to something foul and entertaining, shall we? My cats are always on advantage flea treatment. I need to buy a new pack, actually I'm a week late with it and they have FLEEEEEEAS! I say "FLEEEEEEAS" instead of just plain old "fleas" because there is suddenly an infestation. As of today I have picked at least 7 fleas off myself and 4 off my man. I have seen them jumping around on the couch, the kitchen floor and ON MY BED. I am so creeped out that I have the heebie-jeebies, I am itchy all over and probably look like I am detoxing crack.
I want to sleep at my Mom's tonight, it's that bad. EWWWW...
I feel like crying.
Yay for being emo over fleas.
Me: 0 Fleas: probably at least a million.
P.S. My bird got out of his cage and shit all over my burt's bee's bath kit. I'm seriously crying now.

And now on to something foul and entertaining, shall we? My cats are always on advantage flea treatment. I need to buy a new pack, actually I'm a week late with it and they have FLEEEEEEAS! I say "FLEEEEEEAS" instead of just plain old "fleas" because there is suddenly an infestation. As of today I have picked at least 7 fleas off myself and 4 off my man. I have seen them jumping around on the couch, the kitchen floor and ON MY BED. I am so creeped out that I have the heebie-jeebies, I am itchy all over and probably look like I am detoxing crack.
I want to sleep at my Mom's tonight, it's that bad. EWWWW...

Yay for being emo over fleas.
Me: 0 Fleas: probably at least a million.
P.S. My bird got out of his cage and shit all over my burt's bee's bath kit. I'm seriously crying now.

for my cat i used those drops that you put on the back of their neck--they worked like magic and in about 2 or 3 days there were no more fleas--but i also have all hardwood floors which helps to keep them away, and my kitty never goes outside.