Hi there! Thanks for all the awesome comments on my latest set in MR, Le Meux.

Seriously, some of the comments made me go like

As in...
JackHack said:
I could tell you that this is one of the best sets ever, but that's all wrong; this is simply one of the best things ever.
joemaciesza said:
so soft and sweet, like you're made of creme fraise
Creolla said:
Is it possible that marilyn and betty had a child together? Stunningvas always
And to those who asked, yes those are jelly heels. More specifically, the Lady Dragon Cherry by Vivienne Westwood for Melissa. Did I mention this set was a shit ton of fun to shoot? Well, it was.
The soft lighting was achieved by shooting in front of a large large window in Lavezzaro's parent's place. And for the entire time of the shoot, suddenly her backdoor neighbors had lots to do in their backyard. Hum, I wonder why.
What else have I been up to? Well, eating way too much candy, watching lots of anime (yay, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt), posting on Tumblr like crazy and going to doctors. And procrastinating, which seems to be what I do best.
As soon as I am done writing, I'll be off to cover the largest erotic event in Latin America (and the 4th biggest in the world), Erotika Fair. I was really looking forward to it, but the $ from my last gig isn't in my account yet and I just payed this month's college fee. So I'm like... totally broke. Meh. Seriously, all I can afford for lunch today is a bag of jelly beans.
(It's not as cute as this, though)
To those who don't know yet, I LOVE SEX TOYS. And porn. Specially Hentai. I'm a 4chan /h/ addict who loves futa, moe and shoujo.
The event goes till Sunday, and I'll write about it here.
I foresee an extremely horny Sweetie these next few days. Awell.
Take care! And hey, ganbatte kudasai! Let's get me to front page once more. You know, so I can then afford indispensible things like bullet rabbits, cock rings and rocking horse shoes.
Mas teu set est muito lindo, amei!