I was insanely busy. 3 gigs last week.

I had to go to the farthest aiport alone, lugging a 20 kg suitcase and my feather fans. And back. I commuted by train. The result? A bruise the size of a fist on my leg.
And my internship as web editor ended yesterday, which leaves me quite sad.
No, they didn't fire me. The publisher is terminating Maxim Brasil and all I want to do is leak it to the press before the next issue comes out. But that would be wrong. Meanwhile, my former editor is looking for another publisher to pick up the magazine.
I just read an entire semestre worth of texts which I hadn't read so far. My test is in 2 hours.
After that, I should come home and finish yet another graphic project on this tiny netbook. The pc I used died a couple months ago.
Oh, and my cell phone died yesterday. No more musical bus rides for a while.
Meanwhile, i may sign with an agency instead of dancing solo. Maybe. It feels like i`m betraying rock'n'roll though. Big bucks are in electronic music, at least in Brazil.
I look for fashion inspiration in japanese magazines for teenagers.
If you tell me I'll be ok, I'll have to kick you where it hurts.
Fuck life. Defendor has got it right.
I was insanely busy. 3 gigs last week.

I had to go to the farthest aiport alone, lugging a 20 kg suitcase and my feather fans. And back. I commuted by train. The result? A bruise the size of a fist on my leg.
And my internship as web editor ended yesterday, which leaves me quite sad.
No, they didn't fire me. The publisher is terminating Maxim Brasil and all I want to do is leak it to the press before the next issue comes out. But that would be wrong. Meanwhile, my former editor is looking for another publisher to pick up the magazine.
I just read an entire semestre worth of texts which I hadn't read so far. My test is in 2 hours.
After that, I should come home and finish yet another graphic project on this tiny netbook. The pc I used died a couple months ago.
Oh, and my cell phone died yesterday. No more musical bus rides for a while.
Meanwhile, i may sign with an agency instead of dancing solo. Maybe. It feels like i`m betraying rock'n'roll though. Big bucks are in electronic music, at least in Brazil.
I look for fashion inspiration in japanese magazines for teenagers.
If you tell me I'll be ok, I'll have to kick you where it hurts.
Fuck life. Defendor has got it right.
In my judgment, giving advise makes no sense at all...