I went and got me my lil' heart broken yesterday. Yeah, i'm nothing but a silly girl with abandonment issues.

How is a bird supposed to sing under such conditions?
(Now let me drag my ass to the shower and to singing class. No, not drag. Waltz)
P.s.: I really should stop eating. Before i turn into the (awesome) lead singer of The Gossip.

Later i'll post some awesomeness into the Food Blog.
edit: Guess what class i start taking tomorrow at noon?

edit #2: My lil' heart is ok now. I mean, never like new, but better. All i needed was some cuddling with the Mister, and a few loving kisses. As for what the drama was about, well, it still doesn't seem right for someone to just walk out of the house without kissing me goodbye. Just picture me all hippity-hoppy going to announce i had finished fixing lunch for Him, thinking He was quietly working in the room, just to find He was long gone to work. Not even a word?
i live each moment as my last. What if You are too lazy or don't care to bid farewell and that is the last time you see the person? Life is too fragile not to kiss goodbye.
Thanks for the kind words, anyway. Ya'll should know i'm a big drama queen by now.
I went and got me my lil' heart broken yesterday. Yeah, i'm nothing but a silly girl with abandonment issues.

How is a bird supposed to sing under such conditions?
(Now let me drag my ass to the shower and to singing class. No, not drag. Waltz)
P.s.: I really should stop eating. Before i turn into the (awesome) lead singer of The Gossip.

Later i'll post some awesomeness into the Food Blog.
edit: Guess what class i start taking tomorrow at noon?

edit #2: My lil' heart is ok now. I mean, never like new, but better. All i needed was some cuddling with the Mister, and a few loving kisses. As for what the drama was about, well, it still doesn't seem right for someone to just walk out of the house without kissing me goodbye. Just picture me all hippity-hoppy going to announce i had finished fixing lunch for Him, thinking He was quietly working in the room, just to find He was long gone to work. Not even a word?
i live each moment as my last. What if You are too lazy or don't care to bid farewell and that is the last time you see the person? Life is too fragile not to kiss goodbye.
Thanks for the kind words, anyway. Ya'll should know i'm a big drama queen by now.
So true.
Vim dizer ol! (Eu no sou boa em manter contato)