Just got home from the hospital, but i think i'm doing fine. Thanks to my co-workers and friends, of course. Specially thanks to Carol for helping me walk and for sitting by me for over 4 hours.
Not a big deal, really. Why do people have to make such a big circus out of a fainting spell? Just because i was in the middle of a class? The part that really sucked was banging my tail bone on the hard marble floor... It is so sore... It should be, and it probably will hurt even more after the meds wear off.
Just one more pain. In the ass. Ha ha! So not a big deal.
Plus i got to be carried in a stretcher and ride an ambulance. They made me rest, take x-rays to check my bones (which are ok) and medicated me.
Now, the pathetic part was that just as we were leaving the hospital i almost fainted again, and threw up. Kind of embarrassing in the hospital corridor, but it was only water anyways. Blah.
Kudos for Carol for getting me a chair before i fell and for Sergio for picking us up. And even more for Carol because she got me my meds at the pharmacy because again, my knees turned into jelly. She even tucked me into bed.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. And i still have some playing with my hair to do. So i better get some sleep.
All in all, from inside the comfy cotton candy cloud my head is in, i'm ok. Low blood pressure sucks, but it cant be helped. i have to learn that i need more than a couple bowls of fruit to keep on going.
Night night kids. Sleep tight. I know i will.
P.s.: And my nipple piercings are sooo visible in the x-ray. As soon as i can pick it up, i'll post a photo here.
Just got home from the hospital, but i think i'm doing fine. Thanks to my co-workers and friends, of course. Specially thanks to Carol for helping me walk and for sitting by me for over 4 hours.
Not a big deal, really. Why do people have to make such a big circus out of a fainting spell? Just because i was in the middle of a class? The part that really sucked was banging my tail bone on the hard marble floor... It is so sore... It should be, and it probably will hurt even more after the meds wear off.
Just one more pain. In the ass. Ha ha! So not a big deal.
Plus i got to be carried in a stretcher and ride an ambulance. They made me rest, take x-rays to check my bones (which are ok) and medicated me.
Now, the pathetic part was that just as we were leaving the hospital i almost fainted again, and threw up. Kind of embarrassing in the hospital corridor, but it was only water anyways. Blah.
Kudos for Carol for getting me a chair before i fell and for Sergio for picking us up. And even more for Carol because she got me my meds at the pharmacy because again, my knees turned into jelly. She even tucked me into bed.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. And i still have some playing with my hair to do. So i better get some sleep.
All in all, from inside the comfy cotton candy cloud my head is in, i'm ok. Low blood pressure sucks, but it cant be helped. i have to learn that i need more than a couple bowls of fruit to keep on going.
Night night kids. Sleep tight. I know i will.
P.s.: And my nipple piercings are sooo visible in the x-ray. As soon as i can pick it up, i'll post a photo here.
Can't wait to see the X-Ray..
My girl is worrying about going for pap smears with the new VCH she is getting... lol..