Photo by legallythug
Summer, summer, summer.
I love this picture, and not only because it has the foxiest gal in the world in it (Gwendolyn).
I'm writing a paper right now. It is about black sexuality in mainstream female rap. My boyf keeps coming downstairs because he's doing laundry. I love being neighbours with him, it's so hot. My grandmother told me that yellow walls in a bedroom make it an aggressive space. I guess that would account for this afternoon, although I doubt she was talking about sex.
Other highlights of this weekend were dancing up a storm at an amazing Prince cover band at a bar featuring most of the SC office, hosting a dirty punk show at the college station I work for, watching an insane Five Minutes to Live "Lost and Found" video with my roommate, and a full-day cookout outside Bloomington, complete with many adorable doggies. And my other roommate is back from her bike trip, so we can resume our schedule of sauna-ing at the Royal Tenenbaums-esque decrepid gym on campus.
Ok, so obviously I'm looking at hot babes and not really writing this paper, so maybe I should just go watch Law and Order and snuggle.
"Can I borrow a cup of sugar?"