this subscription to sg might be the best birthday present, who cares if it is over a month late! rock on! perhaps it will help me get the nerce to be a suicide girl. i've always wanted to.
i came home from work today and was thinking about making a scarf with a skull and crossbones on it to occupy the time.
then i thought to myself, it's nice out and buffalo gets like 3 good months of ok weather. i went out and bought some rollerblades because i live by the very excellent delaware park. i do not work out, ever. i am out of shape and i have not rollerbladed in about 5 years. i rolled on over to the park and did the outer loop in about 30 minutes. it kicked my ass! i should sleep well tonight
on a arandom note, i have all these great idea for tattoos, but no funds. story of my life.
i came home from work today and was thinking about making a scarf with a skull and crossbones on it to occupy the time.

on a arandom note, i have all these great idea for tattoos, but no funds. story of my life.
Ditto on the IM you sent! It has been a long long time since the last I've seen you. Hahaha, I was searching for whos IM it was and was about ot give up, yet I was able to get it
Welcome to SG!! The whole "...but no funds. story of my life." sounds all to familiar. Damn the man and his legal tender! I vote for the barter system to be reinstated. Like in Mad Max, Beyond Thunder Dome. Shit, they even named the town Barter Town.
Catch you on the flip side