OK, lets see. Busy weekend:
Thursday night- Happy Birthday/Goodbye to frenchy
Friday- No work, Yeah! Shopping during the day with my sister; at night burlesquercise with bombshellbetty then sushi with her papawheelie and thatmikeguy
Saturday- Made breakfast in the morning, then BBQ'd with a buch-o-friends.
Sunday- Relax during the day; Luau at the Parkside at night.
Monday- My sister is home sick, so we are hanging out a bit. I went with her to the Dr. then we went grocery shopping. Tonight I have burlesquercise again.
Aaaaawwww. Four day weekend.
The only bad part is that it smells like something died in the hallway outside of our appartment and the smell is permeating the front door. Aaaaccck. A search of the area did not reveal a source for the horrible smell. For now we suffer.
Thursday night- Happy Birthday/Goodbye to frenchy
Friday- No work, Yeah! Shopping during the day with my sister; at night burlesquercise with bombshellbetty then sushi with her papawheelie and thatmikeguy
Saturday- Made breakfast in the morning, then BBQ'd with a buch-o-friends.
Sunday- Relax during the day; Luau at the Parkside at night.
Monday- My sister is home sick, so we are hanging out a bit. I went with her to the Dr. then we went grocery shopping. Tonight I have burlesquercise again.
Aaaaawwww. Four day weekend.
The only bad part is that it smells like something died in the hallway outside of our appartment and the smell is permeating the front door. Aaaaccck. A search of the area did not reveal a source for the horrible smell. For now we suffer.