So yesterday I had gum surgery. The periodontist took a bit of gum tissue from the roof of my mouth and sewed it on to the bottom front area. He stiched it so much it felt like he was doing a cat's cradle. The rest of yesterday is a vicodin and bad TV haze. I tried to watch Showgirls (oh man, the worst movie EVER). I did watch Queen of the Damned and a bit of Dr. Phil (In the 4pm episode he was laying his healing hands on people with OCD and the 8pm episode he was dealing with a family half alcoholic (husband) and half abusive(wife)).
Today I feel amazingly better. I'm trying not to push it too much, so I am still taking it easy. Eating is tough. I am trying not to get too much food near the graft and I am wearing a guard to protect the roof of my mouth. It doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.
Today I feel amazingly better. I'm trying not to push it too much, so I am still taking it easy. Eating is tough. I am trying not to get too much food near the graft and I am wearing a guard to protect the roof of my mouth. It doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.

So what happened to your gums? I hope it wasn't the dreaded disease of gingivitis.