ok been a few days so lets play catch up....
sons ear infection is better, like holy crap better! he is sleeping through the night and isnt screaming all the time any more!
thanksgiving is over ((thank god)) my mom got a gright idea to move around or living room! of course i had to help and in the process pulled my chest and upper back muscles! it hurt and sucked but im better.
on top of the pulled mucles i also developed one hell of a chest cold that landed me in the ER not once but twice.
first time i was giving breathing treamnets and told to take it easy cause i didnt want the muscle relaxers (i dont do the whole pill thing)
fast forward to today and it hurts when i breathe, cough, yawn, sneeze..... pretty much everything!
went back and was told they were going to do a chest xray and breathing treatments again!
dr came in lstened to me beathe had me do a breathing treatment and gave me meds that are supposed to cute everything from strep to pneumonia! he didnt even due a chest xray doesnt even really knwowhats wrong but figures he will cover all the basis.
my mom is pissed, she is willing to bet i end up in the hospital cause of this stupid ass! if i land in the hospital i have no idea where revan will end up!
thankfully his massive ear infection payed off and the meds he is o has prevented him from getting whatever the hell i have.
thats all for know im off to relax and focus on not dying!
anyone wanna come and make me an egg and cheese bagel and some hot tea????????
let me know!
sons ear infection is better, like holy crap better! he is sleeping through the night and isnt screaming all the time any more!
thanksgiving is over ((thank god)) my mom got a gright idea to move around or living room! of course i had to help and in the process pulled my chest and upper back muscles! it hurt and sucked but im better.
on top of the pulled mucles i also developed one hell of a chest cold that landed me in the ER not once but twice.
first time i was giving breathing treamnets and told to take it easy cause i didnt want the muscle relaxers (i dont do the whole pill thing)
fast forward to today and it hurts when i breathe, cough, yawn, sneeze..... pretty much everything!
went back and was told they were going to do a chest xray and breathing treatments again!
dr came in lstened to me beathe had me do a breathing treatment and gave me meds that are supposed to cute everything from strep to pneumonia! he didnt even due a chest xray doesnt even really knwowhats wrong but figures he will cover all the basis.
my mom is pissed, she is willing to bet i end up in the hospital cause of this stupid ass! if i land in the hospital i have no idea where revan will end up!
thankfully his massive ear infection payed off and the meds he is o has prevented him from getting whatever the hell i have.
thats all for know im off to relax and focus on not dying!
anyone wanna come and make me an egg and cheese bagel and some hot tea????????
let me know!

Seems this last weekend was designed to thin the ranks of SG - a lot of us barely survived.
I actually am not that far, and if I wasn't sick myself I could help out - I would, but I'd probably bring you whatever germs you still don't have.
I hope you recover soon!