these are the cupcakes that made it through the night, after my lil bro got ahold of them.
my bestie ended up not coming over, she went to the movies with her boything cause they werent gonna see each other for 2weeks. i forgive her she is now coming over thursday.
i had some really cute pics that i have taken over the last few days but my phone doesnt wanna send them to my email. ill get it to work eventually just somethign for you guys to look forward to i guess.
went to my dads for a late bday dinner (about a month late) had steak, mashed potatoes and he got me a cake and gave me 50 bucks. i have a pics of that on my phone as well. got to meet his new girlfriend she seems cool enough and her kids were interesting but i can see why my lil bro likes them.
well im off to clean my kitchen i have procrastinated enough on it today