so tomorrow being my bday and all... im excited! love

my labtop is reallyu starting to piss me off today.

im so ready for october to be over though.... i want thanksgiving to come to this year would be almost over!

tonight im realaxing, my son is in bed im going to relax in a bubble bath and continue reading 150 love letters you were never...
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Happy birthday! smile
happy birthday!
thank god the weekend is almost over.
was on the phone with the hubby today and had a good cryfest...
im better but i have a killa headache.
will see what happens!

been playing with revan all day and watching movies
boy oh boy can that lil kid can make me laugh
his new obbsessions are the lil mermaid movie and shrek the 3rd
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so my baby boy turned 2 today, it made me sad. he is growing up and there is nothign i can do about it.
people are coming over tomorrow
my mom and i took revan to olive garden where he pigged out on salad and breadsticks
than off to toys r us where we spent about 100 a piece on him. (yes he is spoiled)...
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It sounds like your son had a good b-day biggrin

It sounds like you needed a hug today frown
got to hang out with cj for the last few days.... had a fun time!
went to the zoo yesterday and he left this morning frown
*crossing my fingures he'll be back sooner rather than later*

relaxing today, before i start cleaning for my sons bday party this sat.

my mom got xmas gifts she ordered today (something for me came in) eeek

looking for houses in...
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xmas gifts? Your mom plans ahead.

What are you gettin to eat?
Good luck with the house search and take lots and lots of birthday pictures.
Also, you should bring me some food too! I'm starving right now! tongue
FINALLY.... over alot of the stress, stupid hormones. at least its over.

Im currently giving myself a boast with new hair, facial and hopefully some pics (its been forever since i have taken any)

mom found my camera love

revan will be 2 in a matter of 1 week eeek

ill be 22 in 2 tongue

plus i also got my 70$ rebate check from verizon for my...
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Oh honey, I can be a smart ass kiss
Hey hottie. wink
i love my family but im going insane.....

im slowly loosing my mind and in need of being saved. anyone wanna help with that?
im so looking forward to heading to SC for a few weeks

chilling this weekend with a friend. cross your fingure i remember to charge my camera for pics.

Your family always knows how to push your buttons.
I just told a friend of mine that adult relationships with family members involve never being in a closed environment with them (like a car or a living room). And being sure that you eat well before visiting. there is a necessary insanity when entering and departing from family contact: they want you to dissolve your individuality (even without meaning to want that), and you have to maintain it. Individuality is based on reason (the Sanskrit word is dharma); family is based on instinct. Reason Instinct = insanity! So stake out your territory, protect your heart, and love them with a little distance.
so promised some new pics this week but had some drama with my family (my bro moved back in with my mom after an issue with my dad) so he has been adapting to the change and we are trying to get the house back from chaos. was going to let my sons bday and mine just kind slip past this year but im throwing...
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sometimes i cant help but wonder how good are people at playing games.

things from the past have taught me not to judge but to watch and learn!

will be headed to sc around oct 8th or 9th might try and make a pit stop fora night in VA to see lenee

count down to moving to NC im so excited to get the hell...
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Hello and thanks my fellow Libra you are beautiful and a sight to behold wink
Where are these new pictures you wrote about taking, missy? wink
what the hell is going opn with ohio weather...its hot as hell than cold as fuck and back to hot as hell.

lest week i was complaining cause all my sweatshirts are in storage now today im back in shorts and tank tops trying to cool myself down im going insane!!!!

went out had fun got drunk, and sobered up by the time i was...
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It's like that here, as well. I wish it'd just stay warm year round. Ooh, the thought of that makes me ridiculously happy. smile

Yeah girl, you better do something exciting for your birthday and then tell me all about it!
If you lived close, I would in a heartbeat!
i cant help but question a few things right now! ill give the person the benifit of the doubt but i cant help but feel i need some proof. oh well! live and learn right!

add a few pics of my ink, i hope you like it.

redid my extensions and added some blue as well. ill do pics tomorrow.

going to whiskey ranch tomorrow...
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i hate timewarner cable company right now. mad mad mad mad

cause of the shitty as weather we have had no cable or internet on and off for the last couple of days.

good thing about it though... i cleaned my house form top to bottom and decide VA is the state im moving maybe as early as oct. ill be moving in with my friend lenee and her...
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hey cuteness!!
you need to get on more often!
Holy moly batgirl..nice ink!
looks cool
Your hair looks great curled! You should definitely curl your hair all the time. smile