I feel like I should update this thing, but every time I try, I find myself at a loss for things to say.
As of this week, I've been single for three months, after a 3-year relationship. On the one hand, I feel like I'm ready to move on, and would love to start dating again or something, though I'm dreadfully out of practice. On the other hand. I have some days filled with absolute despair when I can think of nothing but wanting her back. I know that "time heals all wounds" and all that -- I just wish time would hurry up a little.
In other news, I've become mildly addicted to "Kingdom of Loathing." For someone whose videogame prowess reached its peak with the original Nintendo system, or perhaps the original PC version of "DOOM," this is a game that I can actually handle. Plus, it can be damn funny.
On a completely unrelated note, I think I want to start figuring out my Halloween costume now, rather than wait until the last minute. I say this every year, of course. Any suggestions?
Anyway, now back to your regularly scheduled program.
As of this week, I've been single for three months, after a 3-year relationship. On the one hand, I feel like I'm ready to move on, and would love to start dating again or something, though I'm dreadfully out of practice. On the other hand. I have some days filled with absolute despair when I can think of nothing but wanting her back. I know that "time heals all wounds" and all that -- I just wish time would hurry up a little.
In other news, I've become mildly addicted to "Kingdom of Loathing." For someone whose videogame prowess reached its peak with the original Nintendo system, or perhaps the original PC version of "DOOM," this is a game that I can actually handle. Plus, it can be damn funny.
On a completely unrelated note, I think I want to start figuring out my Halloween costume now, rather than wait until the last minute. I say this every year, of course. Any suggestions?
Anyway, now back to your regularly scheduled program.

I'm not the biggest gamer in the world, but I love my wii. It's great. Halloween already?! Sadly, I cannot help you. My coolest costume was in 1st grade when I was a pencil. Almost every other year I was a vampire. So my ideas are pretty lame.