Saw An Inconvenient Truth the other night. If you can, GO SEE IT. Not only was it a well-made film with a powerful and intelligently presented message, it was nice to see Al Gore back on his A game. I remember back during the dark days of the 2000 "election," when he was stiff and uncharismatic and more than a little pompous, and I wondered what happened to the guy I grew up with as my state Senator (I even met him a couple of times when he appeared at events in TN). The old Al Gore is back, charming, intelligent and sincere, with a good sense of humor, and a knack for putting across important ideas in a way that everyone can understand and get behind. If only he had been this way six years ago, he could have blown that moral and intellectual midget out of the water. Unfortunately, I think the experience scarred him too much for him to ever run for anything again. Our (and our country's) loss.
In other news, they should be replacing my air conditioner tomorrow, which means that I will actually be able to sleep or just sit in my apartment without sweating my ass off.
In other news, they should be replacing my air conditioner tomorrow, which means that I will actually be able to sleep or just sit in my apartment without sweating my ass off.

Thanks hunni!! There will be plenty more from me