Well, I'm back home from Thanksgiving with the family. All in all, it was better than I expected -- I got to see some of my friends after all, plus I got to spend time with my two goddaughters (who are both growing up way too fast). And I got to meet my little brother's new boyfriend -- at a gay country & western karaoke...
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Thanks dear! biggrin Yes, it were awesomeness!
Yep, people can't drive worth a shit here. Seems like I'm almost getting in a wreck every other week. And...putting a lousy driver behind the wheel of a ginormous vehicle and giving them a cell phone to yak on and GPS to play with and a little TV...that doesn't improve things any. tongue
The one consolation I have is that when a small animal gets hit head-on by a car, they die pretty much right away. It still makes me sad to see that, even squirrels, but it would be worse if they suffered. One of my parents' cats got barely grazed by a car when he was a year old, and his pelvis was broken, his jaw was shattered, and he lost most of the sight in one eye. What was so heartbreaking was that he managed to come back home and jump over our fence. He was okay, after some very costly surgery. They wired his jaw shut and I had to spoon-feed him baby food while bawling my eyes out. tongue But he's now 16 years old and very happy and healthy. biggrin
Well, I'm in TN for a few days, to have Thanksgiving with my family.

On the plus side, since both my mom's and my dad's sides of the family are in the same town, that means two Turkey Dinners in one day. Hooray for comfort-food-overload! oink

On the minus side, none of my friends from home are going to be here this year. I love my...
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grits = puke

no offence

and i am NOT looking forward to thanksgiving do to the fact that i have come to detest my fam. i have actually been skipping them, claiming that i am sick. but i have a child now, and they want to see HER (NOT me...they could care less). maybe i will claim that i am sick and let them take the baby and come home and sleep.

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys,...
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Happy Halloween to everyone out there in SG land!
Knoxville totally needs an SG. I'm glad I could take one for the team and be there for my wonderful city! haha!
Just saw They Might Be GIants in concert -- took me back to middle school/high school. It was a great show -- I know, not very punk rock, but my tastes were a bit geekier back in the early 90s, and some things never go away...The funny thing was seeing the diversity of the crowd -- from high school-age kids to middle-aged couples. Kind of...
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i remember i had one of theyre records and i mean records they might be giants this is the record i bought it was the first one
What are you going to be for Halloween?

I missed the SGNC Halloween Party ( frown ), but there's another one this weekend, so I'll at least get to satisfy my ghoulish urges. I think I shall be a devil this year -- simple, yet effective.

The opera is done (for the time being)...

and now, off for some much-needed sleep.

For, like, three days would be nice.

I am about to be sucked away into a world of 12-hour-a-day opera rehearsals, so I may not be around much for a little while. Here's hoping that nothing happens to the hot naked girls (nor the rest of you lovely folk) while I'm gone.

Today is "National Talk Like a Pirate Day."

So...yarrrrrrr. Shiver me timbers, man the for'ard long-nines, scupper the scurvey lubbers, here there be monsters, pieces of eight!

etc, etc...

I feel like I should update this thing, but every time I try, I find myself at a loss for things to say.

As of this week, I've been single for three months, after a 3-year relationship. On the one hand, I feel like I'm ready to move on, and would love to start dating again or something, though I'm dreadfully out of practice. On...
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I'm not the biggest gamer in the world, but I love my wii. It's great. Halloween already?! Sadly, I cannot help you. My coolest costume was in 1st grade when I was a pencil. Almost every other year I was a vampire. So my ideas are pretty lame.

Thank you! I just get sick of doing everything for them. I'd like to just sit there and be pretty. smile
They do that sometimes, yes.
So, our show is open, and the crowds have been decent, and the early reviews have been positive. One more weekend to go. If anyone's interested, here are some shots of me in character as Orson Welles. Unfortunately, the grey in my hair is mostly real. Fortunately, the fatness is not (the padding adds about 100 pounds -- and 20 degrees to the temperature onstage)....
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It looks as if you makes a darn fine Welles, sir.
thanks for the get well wishes and the comment on my new set!!
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