Ok so i haven't posted for a week or so just been crazy since Wed.I have written about all that though.
Saturday was crazy too. Went to a girlfriend's birthday gathering - which I was way late for should have been there around 1.30pm - ish I didn't get there until gone 4pm. Ok ok I know what your thinking.... I was tired & it was saturday I needed a lie in
Anyway I got there & saw her stuck around for an hour then left to go home to get myself together for the SG meet.
I had a great time even though I was a late arrival. Most people were pretty lubricated by the time I got there, but they were all being very civilised & chatty - I was stunned at how many people were there as I missed the list of people attending, plus people came who weren't going to
I think I managed to chat to all but a handful of people.
Ciel & Cherry's dance machine antics were great & CreamyGoodess before that with his pimp hat of conquest lol
The best thing about the night I made lots of new friends & had a laugh & adding personality to journals was great too - and faces too. Helping with the vid was a great but strange experience
. Some very strange people came by - some not very attractive Tv's, drug dealers & takers, wanna be heros & the police - who were very cool about the whole thing. Sunday was my day off & I chilled somewhat - I had to go through all my negatives & sort my photo's. Also had to get bits together for a met tuesday(which went ok). The rest of my time I have spent playing FF Chronicles with Boo - I
FF and playing co-operatively is awesome the new game is great.
To everyone who sent a comment on my last journal entry &/or add me as a friend Thank you
I hope we will chat more & meet again in the not too distant future *big hugs all round*
Much Love C x
Saturday was crazy too. Went to a girlfriend's birthday gathering - which I was way late for should have been there around 1.30pm - ish I didn't get there until gone 4pm. Ok ok I know what your thinking.... I was tired & it was saturday I needed a lie in

I had a great time even though I was a late arrival. Most people were pretty lubricated by the time I got there, but they were all being very civilised & chatty - I was stunned at how many people were there as I missed the list of people attending, plus people came who weren't going to

Ciel & Cherry's dance machine antics were great & CreamyGoodess before that with his pimp hat of conquest lol
The best thing about the night I made lots of new friends & had a laugh & adding personality to journals was great too - and faces too. Helping with the vid was a great but strange experience

To everyone who sent a comment on my last journal entry &/or add me as a friend Thank you

Much Love C x

I came back to London for the evening of Thursday 22 but just had a quiet one, with a flight out the next morning. But SGUK meets are fun, dammit! I must come back.
I await the video ...*slightly apprehensive about that*