Wow! What a week
I have chatted to friends, met friends, sang for friends, felt very loved and loved in return. I've met with old friends & (hopefully) gained some new ones, talked about arts, been a finder of souls (so I was told). I feel truly encouraged, happy, inspired & all round not too bad at all
Monday - Was quiet, a friend popped...
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Monday - Was quiet, a friend popped...
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Nice to meet you on Saturday! Hope there's many more meets to come!

Thanks sweetheart. And you're too kind
es from me

So I've been on SG for 3 months (approx) more active over the past 8 weeks & I'm slowly getting to know people which is cool. I think I'm always a bit slow & cautious when it comes to making friends - been bitten a few too many times & not in a good way.
So now I'm here what to do? Life is a...
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So now I'm here what to do? Life is a...
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The Manga group has arrived!!! Thanks to the SG powers that be for allowing me to create this group
You can go there from here!

You can go there from here!
What a beautiful witch's kitty you have there!
Thanks for saying hi in my journal- I've been non-stop since the meet too. I actually feel really rude cos I haven't had a chance to speak to people yet.
Thanks for saying hi in my journal- I've been non-stop since the meet too. I actually feel really rude cos I haven't had a chance to speak to people yet.
Another week has passed & I'm thinking where did the time go
I've not been on the net so much this past week too busy - playing FF Crystal Chronicles, sorting out photographs, trying to decide what to do with regard to my photography, having my back seen to & picking up comics(lots to catch up on there
Been playing FFCC co-operatively with Boo...
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I've not been on the net so much this past week too busy - playing FF Crystal Chronicles, sorting out photographs, trying to decide what to do with regard to my photography, having my back seen to & picking up comics(lots to catch up on there

Been playing FFCC co-operatively with Boo...
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i hope you are ok, i would love to see some of your photos. Im making the effort this year to take more photos. iv been far to lazy smokeing and chilling with friends.

Great seeing you today, I'm loving my hair, still excited

Ok so i haven't posted for a week or so just been crazy since Wed.I have written about all that though.
Saturday was crazy too. Went to a girlfriend's birthday gathering - which I was way late for should have been there around 1.30pm - ish I didn't get there until gone 4pm. Ok ok I know what your thinking.... I was tired & it...
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Saturday was crazy too. Went to a girlfriend's birthday gathering - which I was way late for should have been there around 1.30pm - ish I didn't get there until gone 4pm. Ok ok I know what your thinking.... I was tired & it...
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Hi! Great meeting you too! Putting faces to names/nicks now.
I came back to London for the evening of Thursday 22 but just had a quiet one, with a flight out the next morning. But SGUK meets are fun, dammit! I must come back.
I await the video ...*slightly apprehensive about that*
I came back to London for the evening of Thursday 22 but just had a quiet one, with a flight out the next morning. But SGUK meets are fun, dammit! I must come back.
I await the video ...*slightly apprehensive about that*
You rock hunny. Check out my website Divine Trash, you'd probably like the cover girl. Sites dead in the water right now though.

It is some silly time in the morning (7.30am) - and I mean that for me in my world
, and my brain wouldn't shutdown after getting up to get a drink(been up since 4.45am) Done alot in a few hours mainly household things - cleaned up the kitchen,bathroom, popped some washing on yawny stuff, but got to be done (less to do later
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Many thanks again for helping us out on Sat night and keeping the police/pissheads off our backs...
You're very cool indeed and would be nice to work with you again.
take care, a

You're very cool indeed and would be nice to work with you again.
take care, a

you are lush: that is all right now.

So it's been about a week since I posted, so I thought I should say something......
Sunday I was at Creative Swing, as part of Clerkenwell Fest It was an interesting evening full of performers & artists. The film & digital was cool, they had a lot of photographers there with digi slrs and they were displaying their work straight away. I had...
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Sunday I was at Creative Swing, as part of Clerkenwell Fest It was an interesting evening full of performers & artists. The film & digital was cool, they had a lot of photographers there with digi slrs and they were displaying their work straight away. I had...
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Very nice to meet you to! Ciel is awesome. i spent all day making her pancakes. Fear not, no geese were harmed in the process.
Tired. Deactivating... now.
Tired. Deactivating... now.

its in the preferences bit. its easy. althouh i think u have to long in as your old name still. tis a bit wierd like that!
So I finally made it to London Gay Pride
, and I'm glad I went.
I made cakes to help out ClubWotever Crew - they were a cool bunch. Marched with them for most of the parade - the group got broken up, so I left to find Cakemix & we hung out. We didn't do much really, the rally was a let down apart...
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I made cakes to help out ClubWotever Crew - they were a cool bunch. Marched with them for most of the parade - the group got broken up, so I left to find Cakemix & we hung out. We didn't do much really, the rally was a let down apart...
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They will!
thansk i cant be bothered now unless i think of a really good one, adn i can onnly think of stupid/rude or funny ones, which, either way, aren't very glam or sexy haha!
im going to take some photos for Charley, depending how they come out and if you like em, I can have a go with yours too if you want. welcome to the SGUKhopeful group! haha
thansk i cant be bothered now unless i think of a really good one, adn i can onnly think of stupid/rude or funny ones, which, either way, aren't very glam or sexy haha!
im going to take some photos for Charley, depending how they come out and if you like em, I can have a go with yours too if you want. welcome to the SGUKhopeful group! haha
Ok feeling way better
Still got some chilling to do, but feels good not to feel so gross. I'm hoping to have the strenght to go on the London Pride Parade on Saturday 3rd, I have not been on the match before so I'm looking forward to it. Hoping o hang with cakemix. No fixed plans for the day though, going to check out the...
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Hi ya i hope your having fun this weekend at the parade.

Really bad migraine - AGAIN
So I can't write much - back in a few days I hope, when I have stopped throwing up & wearing dark glasses in my house

So I can't write much - back in a few days I hope, when I have stopped throwing up & wearing dark glasses in my house

Hi how u doing????? not well by the sounds of things hope you feel better soon

I'll be thinking of you over the weekend babe, might even try to get into the same state as you but with a little help from my friend Mr WRK(iron Bru flavor of course!) xXx
"If you removed all of the homosexuals and homosexual influences from American culture, you would be pretty much left with the TV game show, 'Lets Make a Deal.'" So proclaimed famed wit Fran Lebowitz. I'd wager that similar statements can be made about the cultures of every country where this horoscope is read. So wherever you live, Aquarius, let Lebowitz's observation be the starting point...
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morning(in more ways than one!) 

How good did i fell when i got up today
but after a few hours i can now see str8 and am allowed to wear my ~Uniform out in Public if i want
Did someone say Fire