It' Feb. so time for a new post
yea same shit different day, nothing major going on smooth sailing like I want it to be. No reason to complain about much and I'm not much of a drama quenn anyway.
My B-DAY is FEB 15th I'm getting fucking old and I don't care.
Like the the line from Dazed and confused "I keep getting older but the girls stay the same age" or something close to that effect.
When I was in high school all the hotties were always dating the older guys etc. Well it's my turn now. Still single but I've noticed a very big pattern lately all the chicks I meet that I have anything in common with and get along with are way younger and thats cool cause I look like a kid anyway.
I'll be 31 BTW
It' Feb. so time for a new post
yea same shit different day, nothing major going on smooth sailing like I want it to be. No reason to complain about much and I'm not much of a drama quenn anyway.
My B-DAY is FEB 15th I'm getting fucking old and I don't care.
Like the the line from Dazed and confused "I keep getting older but the girls stay the same age" or something close to that effect.

When I was in high school all the hotties were always dating the older guys etc. Well it's my turn now. Still single but I've noticed a very big pattern lately all the chicks I meet that I have anything in common with and get along with are way younger and thats cool cause I look like a kid anyway.
I'll be 31 BTW
ill make sure to come get you when i come to Alpharetta, GA