I miss my girl, I miss my boy
I wish my ex wouldn't be tossing around paternity like it's candy she can give out.
My boy who is not biologically mine I raised since he was 4 months old My girl who is probably mine I've never even seen, she's now trying to keep me out of her life swearing up and down she's not mine. She moved across the country and now I can't see either of them.
Pretty sad she was pretty sure I was Emily's dad when I was paying half the doctor bills but when she tried to burn the house down and I had enough of her dangerous violent acts she now is trying to keep me from them.
As messed up as this sounds it's not even 1/3 of the story.
Let me address the ladies who might read this, when you find a decent guy that wants to do the right thing and take care of his children or even children that aren't his that he loves don't take him for granted, don't treat him like shit, don't yell and scream at him all the time even though he's doing all the house work, working a full time job and taking care of the bills along with a child. I'm in a stage right now where I'm comfronted with the the concept of being a good decent guy really does land you in last place.
When I hear women complain about men I'm really starting to wonder if these guys were always jerks or they were created by the woemn that treated them so badly that they had no other choice.
I wish my ex wouldn't be tossing around paternity like it's candy she can give out.
My boy who is not biologically mine I raised since he was 4 months old My girl who is probably mine I've never even seen, she's now trying to keep me out of her life swearing up and down she's not mine. She moved across the country and now I can't see either of them.
Pretty sad she was pretty sure I was Emily's dad when I was paying half the doctor bills but when she tried to burn the house down and I had enough of her dangerous violent acts she now is trying to keep me from them.
As messed up as this sounds it's not even 1/3 of the story.
Let me address the ladies who might read this, when you find a decent guy that wants to do the right thing and take care of his children or even children that aren't his that he loves don't take him for granted, don't treat him like shit, don't yell and scream at him all the time even though he's doing all the house work, working a full time job and taking care of the bills along with a child. I'm in a stage right now where I'm comfronted with the the concept of being a good decent guy really does land you in last place.
When I hear women complain about men I'm really starting to wonder if these guys were always jerks or they were created by the woemn that treated them so badly that they had no other choice.
Have you talked to a lawyer about the whole situation? I wouldn't write off your ability to get custody unless a lawyer tells you to forget it, I've heard of people being awarded custody when they've proven that they are and have been a stable parent and the biological parent is.....shall we say, less than stable.
By the way, it's rule of thumb around here to post a reply to someone in their journal unless it's on the boards, I only saw this because I couldn't remember who you were when I saw you on my list of comments so I came back to remind myself.
Whatever else happens, I wish you the best in your situation.