- on hemightbegiant's blog post
Ok I'll keep this short and sweet, this weekend is looking to be fking awesome, details will follow later but lets just say that I will be exhausted come monday.
I also have my first progress weigh in for the 8 week challenge that I am taking part in, so it will be interesting to see how much I have gained in the past 3...
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ok doing this from my phone, my laptop crashes every time I load the main site:(
I worked 70 hours last week, so not much time for the gym which was a bummer, back at it this week though.
I learnt to wake board on sunday, and spent the last day of my long weekend doing laundry.
I also managed to make it through today...
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So It's been months since my last contact so there is a bit to say, kind of.
Anyway I have moved house again... I have just realised that this may take quite a while to write down so lets go with dot points hey, sound good? Excellent I knew you'd go for that....
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...yea look sorry, that's all I have at the moment, I may have some time to sit down and post tomorrow, but counted chickens, remember that.
anyway, goodnight lovely's
Thank you very much for the birthday wishes.

Howdy, how are you all? I can't exactly remember what it was that I was going to tell you all so we'll just have to suffer through a recap wont we.
And I apologise in advance if this is a bit long winded.
Well where do we start? I started going for a run with Amanda after work...
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So... what's going on? Well, nothing much and a shit tonne all at the same time apparently. So lets do some more catch up shall we, about a month ago my car was stolen from a petrol station whilst I was on my way into town to pick up my housemates who were...
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Ok so new month new blog. And like I promised last time there shall be no talk of housemates to be seen.
So what's been happening... well... I recently rediscovered how much I love Something for Kate, cheeky little buggers released a few albums whilst I was away, Aaand I have just discovered they are touring!!!here's to May.
I got...
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So where was I? Ah that was it the new house mates, I'll sum it up pretty quickly Sarah is pretty cool she reminds me of a girl I knew years ago, now I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not so we'll play it by ear. Mel isn't too bad either,...
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So new blog time, lets see what has been happening since we last had a reasonable conversation... Well I have an almost new set of housemates, it seems keeping a hold of the good ones is a bit of a challenge, the original set has moved on to greener pastures and half their luck. I kind of miss seeing...
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