hey there my beloved animals!
i don’t know how to say this but OK, i just wanted to announce that yes, you’ll have to join a new countdown with me: my new set, “Lanna’s Pinky Bath Time” will be available in member review in three months from now on! 🙀
i must admit i have some expectation for this release since it was my first set modelling for Suicide Girls and... well... it was my first time actually modelling entirely nude!
once again, @thimeow was the person who extracted the crème de la photo of it (what i tried to say was: @thimeow is the photographer of this set. LOL.). she’s a great photographer, and if you don’t know, also a stunning model! you can check all her purrfection in her latest set!
i can’t be more excited about it! i wish i could show you all this work that i carry with all my warming heart right now, but the only thing i can say for now is:
wait for the next chapter of this pink and thrilling novel! 😈🥰
@missy @rambo @eirenne @lemon @jacqueline
i can’t wait for this <3
I'm looking forward to this set. I'm sure this is amazing!