hello my dears, what's up?
let's get a little silly over here? i'll tell you guys 10 random facts about my persona. yayyyy.
1. i have a twin sister. some people say we’re clones, others say “are you cousins or something?”.
2. i colored my skin for the first time with a tattoo when i was 13 and without my father’s authorisation, so you can say i made him go insane that day.
3. my family is HUGE. 3 sisters, one brother, my granpa (who's 101 years old now!), 7 uncles, 1 aunt... and i can’t say for sure the numbers of cousins and their children lol.
4. i only broke one bone in my whole life: a tooth, while playing basketball.
5. i studied Geography with focus on Geology in the University, but also i did singing classes - i was the only one in those classes that wasn’t from Art Institute.
6. i’m a Math person. i love numbers, sorry not sorry.
7. if i don’t drink milk and coffee by the morning, my day hasn’t started yet!
8. i have a branding (scarification by burn) on my chest.
9. besides singing, i also practiced coral, bass guitar, violin and band practice in orchestra!
10. oh, this photo over here? i got a notification yesterday by a fireman because i was sitting on the window of my tattoo studio - in a building.
what about you guys, can you tell me some random thing about yourselves?
@missy @rambo @jacqueline
I wish i lived next door to you!!!!!!!!!
interesting facts