It's been a month since i said my vows and my life is pretty much the same as it was before except that I can say "this is my wife" Not to say that life isn't good because it is. I still prefer to introduce Laroo as my "lover" kinda throws people sometimes! Things are Hectic now that she has gone back to school, but...
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Just a little over a month left till I get hitched.....
Kinda nervous but excited too. We have avoided all the drama involved with having a wedding. I never realized how disgusting the "wedding industry" is.
Kinda nervous but excited too. We have avoided all the drama involved with having a wedding. I never realized how disgusting the "wedding industry" is.

awh. congrats on the wedding.!
i'm glad you liked my set.!
it means a lot.
i'm glad you liked my set.!
it means a lot.

awww well good luck
I am working part time in the wedding industry, the money $$$ people send and the attitutes amaze me
I am working part time in the wedding industry, the money $$$ people send and the attitutes amaze me
yehhhh its my birhtday! Laroo gave me her present on the weekend previous. She gave me 12 little sealed cards and told me I could open the first on at 3:00pm on Saturday. I had to go pick up a package at La Senza then open the next card. After picking up wine, candles, snacks and various other goodies for each card, I was instructed...
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Just in case you did or did not know there is an SGBC, which you could apply for if you meet all the requirments, if not we are having an Vancouver: Meet and Greet to meet members in BC!
Couldn't arrange childcare so I'm missing the 20th anniversary tour. I haven't bought a Gwar album in years but usually don't miss a show when they roll through town. Don't know why, but being in a mosh getting sprayed with blood and other various fluids sure can be a lot of fun
Oh well, next time for sure
Couldn't arrange childcare so I'm missing the 20th anniversary tour. I haven't bought a Gwar album in years but usually don't miss a show when they roll through town. Don't know why, but being in a mosh getting sprayed with blood and other various fluids sure can be a lot of fun
Oh well, next time for sure