Hello @missy @rambo 😁💖
My favourite movie of all time has to be Kill Bill. There are two volumes to it so I'm going to go with Vol 1.
It is directed by Quentin Tarantino who is also my favourite director! His style of making movies is so visually striking 😍 All of his movies are absolutely amazing.
The idea with Kill Bill is that our protagonist, Beatrix Kiddo, is seeking revenge on her ex assassin squad. Whilst pregnant, Beatrix wanted a better life for her child and left the dangerous lifestyle behind. But was soon met with the assassin's wrath for leaving and almost murdered - at her own wedding rehearsal! She then awakes from a four year coma, without her baby. I don't want to say too much about what happens for those who haven't seen it!
This is Beatrix played the beautiful Uma Thurman
There is also anime in this film, showing the early life of O-ren ishii (one of the assassins) This is another reason why this film is my favourite!
Martial arts play a strong part in this film, along with a lot of blood and exaggerated fight scenes too. Her journey then takes her to Japan, where she must find and battle O-Ren, played by the gorgeous Lucy Liu.
I think the reason this movie is one of my favourites is relating to Beatrix's revenge for those who really hurt her. I have a lot of time for revenge movies. Whilst revenge is not the always the best of options, in some cases and for some people, it is fulfilling.
I hope you enjoyed my favourite movie blog! If you haven't seen Kill Bill, please go watch it now, you will not be disappointed! Thank you for reading 💖