Well a little over a week to go!! right now it is SXSW, and I am doing promotions at Tower records, it is the gearhead show this weekend, with the TURBO AC'S!! getting tattooed twice before I leave & next weekend is gunna be crazy! it is the lonestar round up Kustom Kar show on the FRI & SAT , and HONKY & Flametricks subs are playing, I can never pass up a chance to see my favorite Satans cheerleaders! Then Sun night The Lifters & HONKY are playing at the Roller Derby Bout, it is gunna be the Hellcats & Rhinestones cowgirls bouting, I am not sure who I am cheering for yet..After the after party, I shall head home finish packing up, and then it is just me & the highway...I'll be headed to AZ on the 29th..In hopes to find a rad place, spacious, yet cozy, concrete floors, and I NEED to paint the walls!!! I hate white walls! I hope I land the corporate hell job, if not I suppose I'll have to shake my ass for some dollars untill then!!

don't i know you
did you see the hives at sxsw?