i bought clothes for the funeral today. a shitty black dress and a pair of shitty black stockings.
i can't be arsed with the internet anymore, it doesn't matter what i search for, the only thing that pops up are images of girls being brutally fucked all over. it's fucking depressing.
i had to phone my dad up and ask him for money 'cause my...
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i hear ya luv... i'm feeling quite terrible myself, but somehow we make it through... keep your chin up, and be proud of your scars!!!
fuck the pic's then.

i still wanna buy guns'n'roses t-shirts for my nephews. i'm off today, it's awesome except my assistant manager woke me up at half seven this morning asking me to work. i need to start remembering to switch my phone off on my days off.

does anyone have any hot tips for writing a cv? i'm rubbish at them.
hey girl. I have no idea if im allergic. Im not going to the doctor, they will go away eventually i guess! hmhm.
Im not sure if im going... Problem is, i havent found a place to be yet...

Gosh, I am COMPLETELY shit at writing CVs as well. I really do wish I could write a good one. If you find the key to doing it, let me know.

That website is awesome, the classes sound like mucho fun, I wish I knew how to do my hair nicely - I swear, the only thing I can do is straighten out my hideous excuse for curls lol.

Maybe I will go and look for it!

And how are you?
sweden was wonderful. everything is just so much prettier there.
and i did get rid of my dreadlocks in the end. it feels so nice to have normal hair again! it took me twelve hours and a lot of pain but it was so worth it.
Im also glad you enjoyed Sweden... Really hoped you would come here though...
I might go to London for a month in October smile smile
Glad you got to fix your hair. And SOO glad you got some wink wink smile
Move back home? where is home?
I really like living in Denmark. Its just like home in a way, just different if you know what i mean smile
You skipping work? Awm honey! Oh well, let the manager nag all he wants. Tell him "fuck you" from me smile
Wish you the best Saturday ever! Hope you have a good party smile

And thanks a bunch for the pic comment! I think it looks cool as well smile
Have a great one gorgeous love love
i've fucked my hair up so badly.
going to sweden tomorrow, might get rid of my dreads.
i really wanna get laid.
hei sugar! You should stop by Denmark!! You would get laid here, I promise beautifull smilesmile
How have you fucked up your hair?

Oooh Sweden, that's pretty awesome!

Music is really awesome. I'm learning on my own. There's some really good websites and books - I can't afford the books though, I just got a couple out of the library smile Also, you should download the J-list podcast, it's a "Learn Japanese" podcast, and it's really, really awesome. Very helpful, the guy who does it is an English guy living in Japan, and he's fluent, he also gets help from his Japanese friends. It covers most things you need to know! There are a bunch of websites that help with learning Kanji and Hiragana and such. When my internet connection is being less slow and shit, I'll send you the ones that are the most help to me smile

Oooh, definately go sky diving love That sounds so awesome, especially in NZ!

Hope you're good smile

i had the best dream ever the other night. it involved a tornado and a really hot kiss.

this man makes my fanny tickle:
It was really awesome biggrin Some of the clues were hard!! I felt like I was in the goonies biggrin

Indeed! It would help! The more clicks I get the better!

Well it's just while we're at uni. We're both from Wales originally, he's in uni in Sheffield and I'm in High Wycombe and it does suck not seeing him all the time, but we're used to it! He started a year before me, so we've already had two years of it. I think we cope really well because we were together for three years before he went, and it's been over five now... If we've survived so far, I think we're good smile We see each other a lot during term time anyway. He'll come down or I'll go up or whatever. When he finishes, he's going to move up to London and after we've been working for a while, the plan is to do the big move to either Japan or New York smile Depends on who's company can get us where first! biggrin

I'd never move to Sheffield though. Fucking shit hole. biggrin

Wooo!! Thank you for the clickage biggrin

Yeah, exactly. I think it makes us appreciate each other more. smile Which is nice. I'm studying music, and he's doing computer programming and software writing. And something to do with graphics within it. Anyway, he can do pretty much anything on a computer, and learned a bunch of programming languages years ago - FOR FUN whatever It's a good thing that nerds get me hot smile And hey, as a bonus, I ended up learning ActionScript because he's so into it. Part of the treasure hunt he did for me was a bunch of games and clue cartoons that he made for me biggrin

Wow, I really hope you do go to Japan. We've been dying to go for ages, but I'm a little aprehensive as my Japanese isn't too fabulous yet smile My speaking is ok, but I'm having trouble reading kanji and hiragana and the like. If you go before me, please take ten thousand pictures and go to one of those sex hotels - just to see what they're like! biggrin New Zealand sounds amazing. I hope you get to go there, too!

Yeah, don't bother with Sheffield, it's like suicide for the eyes. Except for ONE TINY part. But that, a nice city does not make.

Their Ice Hockey team are cunts too. Took all my favourite players from Cardiff. mad

i'm in desperate need for a drastic change in my life. and a new job. and a new hairdo.
any suggestions?
dying black over bleached or light hair can be a bit of a nightmare as it can start to go a bit grey, id recommend speaking to a good hairdresser about dying it.
they know what to do about extreme colour changes!
i know how you feel!

ive only recently starting going to hairdressers, as i used to hate them cos theyre scared of people who want 'alternative' hair.
but there are good hairdressers out there- where do u live again? as im sure theres somewhere near you where atleast you could get colouring advice.
i've finished the last harry potter book. it took me sixteen hours. i really need to get out of the flat.

work got flooded last weekend, woopie. and laura who was doing a double phoned in sick. ashton court (a local two day festival) was on so there was literally NO ONE that could cover. i was suppose to finish at two to go down...
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heyy thanks girl!!
Untill now it was not such a hughe problem, but my back will be a bit more difficult, but they just go around it with the ink....not such a big problemsmile
goood luck!
h tack s mycket... biggrin
Ja du, jag komemr inte ihg vad de sa.. nt dligt haha
god bless the l word.
i really wish the sun would come out. come on, pretty please? at least for the weekend, i don't want to go to ashton court if it's raining. found a 10 note in my pocket today so i bought a pint for my manager, sort of nice but we were mostly sat there not talking like we ususally do. i...
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kinda london yeah...surrey really.
ive never been to bristol, but everyone tells me its a lovely place. smile

i might spoil myself with a jacket potato in a bit.
thats about as crazy as i get in the kitchen!
Thank God for the L word! My favorite show ever! I actually wanted to be named Shane in here, but it was taken frownfrown
Thanks so much for the comment! I have a great idea for my new set, and i'll be shooting it real soon! Hope you get some nice ideas soon misses! If I go pink, so should you!! love
Hugs and kisses!
two hours and fortyseven minutes 'til the l word is finito.
goddammnit, i'm gutted about fopp closing down. that shop was brilliant!
if you were throwing a dinner party with seven guests, dead or alive, famous but not fictional, who would you invite?
my list would be:
anne bonney
mary read
valerie solanas
bettie page
fat mike
johnny cash
and i would like to say...
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7 guests eh?

easy- so long as stephen fry, bill hicks and derren brown were theere, i wouldnt need anyone else to entertain me

did the L word work in the end?
i dunno why i like that show, its kinda awful. same reason i love sex and the city i guess!
Ok, my seven guests, the first go:

Ricky Gervais
Steven Merchant
Beat Takeshi
Zac Hanson
Christian Bale
Jason Sho Green
Dita Von Teese

Yes! Married! And with children! They've been busy wink

It sucks when you've finished watching aaaaaall of a series of something, I always feel slightly disappointed afterwards frown

how annoying is this, i can find every single episode of the l word season 4 except episode two.
i hate the internet.
have you looked at tv-links.co.uk?
they have most stuff and i know they have the L word.

if i ever wanna watch it though, i just call up my lesbian best friend!
Thank you! biggrin And thank you very much for clicking the link! I think that's all you have to do - I'm afraid I probably wont win, but you have to try!!! Indeed they still exist - come to their next UK show, I guarentee you a most excellent time.

Ooh try Alluc.org and Sidereel.com if you haven't already, they may have the episodes you're looking for! I hate when those ssites have ALMOST everything....just not all!