My new set is at 92 percent...thought my set stay at a solid 95. It has only been a few hours since it's been up though. Help me get it to 95 percent please
It was nice to be able to shoot with Brooklyn once more. Tell me what your thoughts are instead of simply hitting the NOT FOR ME BUTTON because constructive criticism is fine and important. Genuinely want to know what members and fellow Hopefuls, and SGs think about my second set. I'm still dreaming of turning Pink, maybe it'll happen this year for me, we'll see.
It has been a rough week but thanks so far for the support and messages. Really have met some wonderful people on this site. <3
I also decided I'll be making a wishlist...will have that up on here soon.
GOOD NEWS IS: I had a few job interviews so far...nothing panned out yet, but things are starting to get rolling, gladly.
Much Love,
Leave your love below, and your thoughts there.
Enjoy your weekend everyone.