P.S. I have two new tattoos.
But less about me...things could be so much worse and I am realizing that. I'm still in shock about the Newtown School Shooting. I live about 10 miles away from that elementary school and this entire past few days the mood and grief is so palpable in the surrounding areas, you can see it in the people's faces and of course everyone, everywhere I go I over hear conversations about it.
I can only imagine how the families are dealing. I was driving that day around the area and noticed the chaos and cars everywhere...little did I know what was really going on, not until I got home that morning and plugged into the news. I'm heartbroken. I don't feel safe. Anything can happen like this, ANYWHERE. The reality is no one is safe. From Columbine to Virginia Tech to the several other shootings in public places...and what just happened as well with the gunman at the shopping mall...it's just all so unreal. What I am struggling with as many others are: this event isn't considered a surprise anymore. Wish I could word my sentiments more cohesively but this is all I can muster.
Here is an event going on that a friend of mine started and I am a part of. A CONCERT BENEFIT (All proceeds go to the town and different charities) All of you are welcome to come if you can make it or would like to travel to come on down (IT SHALL BE ON FEB 1st) and therefore I am extending the invite through the Facebook event page to whom would like to join.
And lastly Happy Holidays to you all.
Much Love,