ok i guess i have to explain ...the
was because shit it getting really hecitc i'm just sick of school and i'm feeling really uninspired and unmotivated....it just sucks. Also, things w/my boyfriend are getting REALLY bad
i don't know what to do im terrified of being single i think....and i dunno i just ...don't know what to do about anything.I'm fairly certain guys don't like me anymore and thats a shitty feeling. On a better note my friend who is moving in w/ me at the end of this summer came to see the apartment and she loves it so that was good times....i also just bought a fat bag and i'm gonna go roll a blunt....thanks for trying to cheer me up everyone
love ya'll

Hope you really feel better, we all need some alone time and it fuking roks being single so dont fear. And Honey you look too good te end up alone so stay chill.