walked out of class today...........my teacher is so old i can barely hear him ,he is my 3-d design teacher ,i feel really safe around a whole bunch of wood saws and sanders with his crazy ass anyway i like to do things at home where i'm cozy rather than a stupid classroom and its not a sit down class so i figured why not come home and spray paint metal here? I have a stupid french test tommorrow
spanish was way easier, but my industry of choice speaks lots of french sooon i will know what they are all saying about me.Ha! now i just need to learn vietnamese so i can figure out what they say when i go to get my nails done. On another note i guess boyfriend has decided to accept the piercing.....bitch. But i hope hes ready for more cuz i'm going to get my hair done this weekend and i'm pretty sure i'm going to add some purple to the pink that he already hates so much, and i think i'm gonna get two tattoos in april .....i'll just see how much he can take. I love him and even though hes older than me i feel like hes such a kid and we're soooo opposite. oppisites may attract but i don't know how that always works out. Plus i want to travel and move around before i settle down and i would love for him to come with me but i know he wont. He just wants to stay by his family(insane mama's boy!) forever and be boring,but still precious. I know its gonna end with him i just dont know when , i heard that couples that have been together a long time put off breaking up for a whole year.....thats fucked up. I'm just going to try to imagine my life without him and take it from there. I hope i can find someone thats just made for me like those couples you see every once in a while and its like they're two of a kind and there couldn't possibly be anyone else in the world for those two people, i wonder where they find eachother.

I know what you mean about where do these perfect couples find each other, I keep trying to find the web site but so far Ive come up with nothing
I hope things turn out for the best between you and your fella, what ever happens